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59% of our placements identify as D&I professionals

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Our Commitment to D&I

Fostering inclusive cultures and building diverse teams is proven to drive productivity, creativity and innovation. Informed by data and insights and executed with empathy and compassion we help you build a more equitable workforce.

Eastward builds intentionally diverse candidate pipelines for all search mandates. The ECHO™ platform lays the foundation for a successful search and coupled with our expertise in attracting specific candidates in shallow talent pools, ensures you will find executive professionals that will execute on your specific strategic initiatives.

Memberships & Networks

Proud to be members in the following D&I networks:


Speak with our D&I Specialists

Eastward’s proven process and unrivaled network delivers the broadest diversity of qualified professionals and support even the most ambitious D&I strategies. Complete this form and a committed D&I recruiter will get in touch.

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