
A leading middle-market advisory firm with a goal to build out its Disputes & Economics Practice. The client had a specific goal of bolstering gender and racial equity at the Executive level within the  practice.


The Client sought to add diverse talent to its team of experts by bringing on a Managing Director with expertise in Antitrust and Class Action. Given the importance the client emphasized on increasing diversity at the firm, the aim was to support the expansion of the practice by creating a condensed, highly targeted pipeline over the course of 12 weeks. Timeline expectations were set longer than Eastward standard due to the nature of the search; typically diverse candidates are harder to source and close, creating an elongated process. In addition, the Client desired a unique skillset of the hire, which further extended the anticipated timeline.


After agreeing upon the search model, we together developed a storyboard, marketing campaign (for talent purposes and employer branding online), and go-to-market narrative. Our approach involved headhunting efforts and leveraging our existing network to identify the first set of candidates that aligned with the firm’s strong cultural values and core competencies.

Since the search was for a very niche hire, Eastward thoroughly and carefully combed the market and brought forward the highest caliber of talent within the first month of the search process. 

Eastward presented 2 shortlists of relevant individuals, each matching core competencies and culture, with a different strength to bring to this newly formed role. Given the opportunity to define a new function for the fund, Eastward endeavored to show the client the benefit of each candidates’ respective skills and background.

The range and success of these two shortlists resulted in a record-fast engagement. The project ran for 5 weeks and the outcome was an absolute success.



candidates placed

Eastward Partners successfully appointed 2 women leaders as Managing Directors in the Client's growing Disputes & Economics practice, doubling the intended one-hire mandate. Other candidates identified as strong diverse leaders were later recommended for other positions within the business.

For more information

For more information about all of Eastward's projects and how we can add our expertise to your hiring strategies please get in touch.

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